Craig Beach Mayor and Council would like to make you aware of these important notices:
August 2022:
The Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Craig Beach will conduct
a Public Hearing on August 11, 2022, at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building,2538 Grandview Road, Lake Milton, Ohio 44429.The purpose of this Public Hearing: To consider a request from 2048 Grandview LLC of 1228 W.70th St, Cleveland, Ohio 44102 as submitted by Nancy Dobras. Zone Change on their vacant lot#487 Parcel#33-029-0-005 at 2048 Grandview
Road from a Commercial lot to a Residential R1 R2 lot. A copy of the application submission and plat map for the Zoning Change is available for inspection upon request by calling 330-654-2107. Adrian F. Verquer Chairman, Planning Commission $ Zoning Board of Appeals, Village of Craig Beach
June 2022:
The Planning commission and Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Craig Beach will conduct a Public Hearing on June 23, 2022, at 7pm in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 2538 Grandview Road, Lake Milton, OH 44429. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider a submission request from Jason Oliver, 13207 Market Ave, Hartville, OH 44632 for a change on his vacant lot #33-029-002 at 2004 Grandview Road from a Commerical Lot to a Residential Lot, R1, R2 Lot. A copy of the application submission and Plat Map for the Zoning Change are available for inspection upon request 330-654-2107, Adrian F, Verquer, Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals, Village of Craig Beach,
April 2021:
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Fiscal Officer of the
Village of Craig Beach, located in the Municipal Building 2538 Grandview Road, Craig Beach, Ohio
44429 until noon on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, for the purchase of the following described real estate.
Lot#1155 Lundys Lane, Parcel#33-030-0-177. Bids can also be mailed to: Village of Craig Beach,
Attention Fiscal Officer, P.O.Box 99, Lake Milton, Ohio 44429. All envelopes containing the bid must
be clearly marked on the front with the inscription “Property Bid”. The property is vacant and is no
longer needed for any municipal purpose. It is a Corner. Lot size 9,322 square feet. 113 feet fronting
Lundys Lane and 82.50 feet on Triumph. The property is to be sold and conveyed to the
highest bidder offering at least $6,900.00. Full purchase price to be deposited with the Fiscal
Officer within thirty (30) days after the acceptance of the bid by the Council of the Village of Craig Beach. Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Charlotte Ash, Fiscal Officer, Village of Craig Beach
February 2020:
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Fiscal Officer of the
Village of Craig Beach, located in the Municipal Building 2538 Grandview Road, Craig Beach,
Ohio 44429 until noon on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, for the purchase of the following described real
estate. Lot#1 155 Lundys Ln, Parcel#33-030-0-1 77 Bids can also be mailed to: Village of Craig Beach,
Attention Fiscal Officer, P.O. Box 99, Lake Milton, Ohio 44429. All envelopes containing the bid must
be clearly marked on the front with the inscription “Property Bid”. The property is vacant and is no
longer needed for any municipal purpose. The property is zoned residential and has all utilities.
It is a corner lot. Lot size 9,322.5 square feet. 113 feet on Lundys Ln. and 82.50 feet on Triumph.
The property is to be sold and conveyed to the bidder offering at least $6,900.00. Full purchase
price to be deposited with the Fiscal Officer within thirty (30) days after acceptance of the bid by the
Council of the Village of Craig Beach. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Charlotte Ash, Fiscal Officer Village of Craig Beach, Ohio.
September 2019:
LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING The Council of the Village of Craig Beach gives notice that a Public Hearing will be held at their regular Council Meeting on October 8, 2019 at 7:00PM in the Council Chambers of the
Municipal Building, 2538 Grandview Road, Craig Beach, Ohio. The purpose of this Public Hearing: To consider a petition request from Wayne Giersz and S&J Rental LTD. for a Right-of-Way Vacation
of an unimproved Village Right-of-Way between and abutting, Lot#325 and Lot#326 off of Grandview Road in the Village of Craig Beach, Mahoning County, State of Ohio. Charlotte Ash Fiscal Officer Village of Craig Beach
September 2019:
LEGAL NOTICE The Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Craig Beach will hold a special meeting on September 26, 2019 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 2538 Grandview Road, Craig Beach, Ohio 44429 The purpose of this special meeting: To consider a petition request submitted by Wayne Giersz and S&J Rental LTD., for a Right-of-Way Vacation of an unimproved Right -Of -Way between, and abutting, Lot #325 and Lot#326 off of Grandview Road in the Village of Craig Beach, Mahoning County, State of Ohio. Adrian F. Verquer, Chairman Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals Village of Craig Beach, Ohio
July 2017:
Kauffmann Disposal LLC is now offering trash pick-up for Craig Beach residents. Their rate is $48.00 per quarter. They accept checks, money orders, credit and debit cards and cash. Customers may also pay online at need an account number first. Two 96-gallon trash cans or three 64 gallon cans are allowed or an equal volume using smaller cans. Bags are allowed. We ask that bags are not excessively heavy so that our driver and helper are not injured picking them up. The landfill does not accept tires, oil, gasoline, older televisions, concrete, construction materials, air conditioners, appliances, cans of paint must be dried out using clumping kitty litter then placing the can of dried paint in a plastic bag, radio active material or chemicals. We allow one large item per month such as a sofa, bed or furniture. Glass must be broken and place in a cardboard box. Wet cardboard boxes will not usually be picked up as they fall apart. Mattresses larger than a twin must be folded in half and tied or taped and preferably not soaking wet.Televisions are accepted at Southside Recycling on Southern Blvd. in Youngstown. Should a person cancel service with another company that has provide them a can, that company will need to pick that can up. Office hours for Kauffman are 9 am to 6 pm Monday - Friday but we frequently answer calls earlier. 330-781-0449 Mailing address is 1977 Medford Ave, Youngstown, OH 44514-1029.
May 2017:
Mahoning County is making enhancements to the 911 system. Residents should note phone number changes. Click on the tab above for "Departments" to see the new number and all department numbers.